Dive in here to uncover the essence of OCIO, understand why its becoming the choice of many investors, and decide if it's the best fit for your organization.
You have done your research and understand what an OCIO entails, along with the advantages and disadvantages of the model for your institution. Now, it's time to explore the critical elements required for a smooth transition to an OCIO model, thoroughly examining the guidelines needed to create a detailed and effective Request for Proposal (RFP).
An effective OCIO model is an extension of your organization and—when properly implemented—the model can help institutions establish governance processes, manage a complex portfolio and navigate operational complexity and risk management challenges.
A deep understanding of your entire institution beyond investment execution is highly valued but often overlooked.
Perhaps most important to understand is that an institution may be delegating the intricate and complex technical aspects of its day-to-day investment operations to external parties or specialized teams. However, it is crucial that a robust and comprehensive governance framework is firmly established and meticulously followed to ensure that all fiduciary responsibilities, which encompass the duty to act in the best interests of stakeholders, are soundly maintained.
The relationship between providers and investment committees in the Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) model is critical. It is important to establish trust, transparency, alignment of interests, and effective communication for success. Learn more about the OCIO partnership.
Looking to enhance your investment strategy? Commonfund's Outsourced CIO services offer tailored asset management solutions to meet your unique needs. From strategic planning to risk management, our investment services are designed to help your organization achieve its financial goals. Our sole focus is on nonprofits and our investment philosophy is grounded in the endowment model—an equity bias for growth, broad diversification, and capturing the liquidity premium through private strategies. Whether you're a foundation, university, or healthcare organization—large, small or in between—we can help align your investments with your mission.
Dive in here to uncover the essence of OCIO, understand why its becoming the choice of many investors, and decide if it's the best fit for your organization.
Understanding what an OCIO entails is one thing; discerning the essential steps and details necessary when evaluating various OCIO providers is another. Delve into our curated materials to discover the optimal OCIO collaborator for your organization.
Among one of the pioneers of outsourced CIO services for nonprofits, we’re leaders in a range of customized investment solutions and resources designed to fit your organization’s needs. As your partner, Commonfund OCIO will seek to preserve and grow your long-term purchasing power and, maintain intergenerational equity to support the mission of your institution.
Fill in the form to connect with our Commonfund OCIO team and learn more.